Compliments sent

Compliments sent is a typography project in which I turned three compliments that were given me into visual typography images. In these images I show what the compliment means to me.

The compliments given to me were: optimism, showing interest and to arrange.

Showing Interest

Showing interest is something that is very important to me. I am always trying to show interest in someone, especially the people close to me. It gives me a good feeling to remember things someone told me, information I translated into dots in the design, as well as I hope to give this good feeling to the person in question. This in combination with my hope of other people being interested in me and loving to share my experiences comes back as the mirroring in the design.


Optimism is something I really try and be in my life. For me optimism is being positive, being able to make the most of something and seeing the bright sight in things. Optimism feels as happiness for me. That’s why I made two motion graphics in which this feeling comes forward for me. Black and white because optimism is adjustable in every situation.

Geometric and organic in contrast with each other.

Geometric because being optimistic has to be in your personality, something that is given. Organic because being optimistic can mean many different things at the same time and can provide for many things coming your way.

To arrange

When something needs to happen I am usually the person who arranges it. Something I like to do but saying no is something that is important in this. Arranging things is good and brings me joy but when it is getting to much you have to be able to say no. This is where the lines and colors come together in the design. The bustle and joy in arranging things


New York Life


PostNL Postage-stamp